New Computer science solved mcqs

New Computer science solved mcqs

    Exception in the analogue computer is___?
  1. Input never converted into digital form
  2. Memory excepted
  3. no exception

    Inside latest generation computers instructions are executed in form__?
  1. parallel
  2. sequential
  3. Both parallel & sequential

    Who design the first electronics computer ENIAC__?
  1. J. Presper Eckert & John W Mauchly
  2. meachel ray
  3. charles babage
  4. john sena

    The first high level language C invented by__?
  1. john w mauchly
  2. Dennis M.Ritchie cook revay
  3. Golden
  4. golden milly

    Person who program, design, operate and maintain computer equipment refers it___?
  1. Peopleware
  2. malware
  3. grouping
  4. Wasting data

    The Alternative computer jargon for bug is known as___?
  1. antivirus
  2. Glitch
  3. horse
  4. dude

    As the Modern Computer are very reliable but not__?
  1. Very Easy
  2. Very Hard
  3. Infallible
  4. simpler

    Personal computers uses a number of chips mounted on a circuit board called__?
  1. ALU
  2. Motherboard
  3. CPU
  4. hard disk

    Convert the 88 into binary language select true__?
  1. 1011000
  2. 1001101
  3. 1110101
  4. 0101010

    As Modern Computer are very reliable but not__?
  1. Easy
  2. Hard
  3. Infallible
  4. very soft

    MS Excel short key to start a new line in a current cell__?
  1. F8
  2. F12
  3. ALT + Enter
  4. Shift + enter

    What is short key to calculate workbooks in ms excel __?
  1. Shift + k
  2. F9
  3. F1
  4. Windows + shift

    What is the short key to undo command done by mistake__?
  1. Shift + Q
  2. ALT + Z
  3. CTRL + Z
  4. shift + A

    Select Odd in among the following__?
  1. HTML
  2. Browser
  3. Java
  4. python pro

    What is the short key to change case in ms word__?
  1. ALT + A
  2. ALT + CTRL + A
  3. CTRL + A
  4. shift + A

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