General knowledge solved mcqs for study test

Solved mcqs study

    Q: HQ of ECJ located in__?
  1. Kashmir
  2. khushab
  3. Luxembourg

    Q: HQ of ESCAP located__?
  1. Dhaka
  2. Bangkok
  3. Shuva

    Q: When first computer was build__?
  1. in 1833
  2. in 1933
  3. in 1969

    Q: who is the inventor of Steel Converter__?
  1. Mr lisa
  2. Henry Bessemer
  3. Sir gove

    Q: Jet propulsion is the gift of__?
  1. Run bessel
  2. Frank Whittle
  3. pray boy

    Q: The Air conditioner is a disovery of__?
  1. Mr vessel slow
  2. from day flow
  3. Carrier

    Q: Which River crosses earth Equator two time__?
  1. Congo River
  2. Sivera
  3. Bunra

    Q: The fertile desert of world is__?
  1. Love desert
  2. Great Thar Desert
  3. Rima

    Q: Official residence of King of Jordan__?
  1. Basman Palace
  2. Swise
  3. Saram

    Q: largest subway system of world is__?
  1. Shana
  2. Mall
  3. Shanghai

    Q: Dubai world tallest Tower is__?
  1. Huge tower
  2. Creek Tower
  3. Cuba

    Q: Tugela water fall located in__?
  1. South Africa
  2. iceland
  3. Sun land

    Q: Sahara is desert situated in__?
  1. Australia
  2. Asia
  3. Africa

    Q: The Capital of East Timor is__?
  1. Dili
  2. Shenai
  3. Lia

    Fifthth largest the country by area is select correct one?
  1. Rusia
  2. United kingdom
  3. Brazil
  4. China

    The Desert Fox is the calling name of ?
  1. John Hitler
  2. General Erwin Rommel
  3. Williams Robert
  4. The Sir Roger

    The Location of Bo-Kaap Historic character and Heritage is where__________?
  1. New zealand
  2. South Africa
  3. United states of america
  4. Canada

    Total numbers of the Countries Are in the Members list Of NATO?
  1. 30
  2. 35
  3. 25
  4. 24

    The profession of Vincent Van Gogh was?
  1. Player
  2. Painter
  3. Gamer
  4. Engineer

    The Chop Shot is the ____ shot in the Table Tennis game while playing?
  1. Backhand
  2. right Hand
  3. Front
  4. opposit

    A hard stick which used to hit the ball playing in the Golf is known as?
  1. Club
  2. Bat Golf
  3. Base
  4. Racket

    The Bathsheba Beach is located in which of following area?
  1. China
  2. india
  3. Barbados
  4. Japan

    The Dark Continent is the abberiviation of which of following continent?
  1. Africa
  2. Australia
  3. antar katka
  4. Armania

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